One of the sweetest parts about candy is how it can transport you to moments throughout your life. The sweet snack you had on your first date at the movies, cotton candy from family trips to the carnival or a favorite holiday confection can bring you back in an instant. We like to reminisce on these candy memories often; it’s one of our favorite things about what we do! Take a trip down memory lane with our famous candy timeline and see what sweet memories come to mind…you might just reach for a treat when you’re done!
Candy by Decade:
1900: Hershey Bar
(Hershey bars were originally sold for just a nickel, making chocolate an accessible treat)
(A popular way to eat a Charleston Chew is straight out of the freezer!)
(To this day, smarties are gluten-free!)
(Peeps® aren’t just for Easter. There are fluffy versions for Halloween, Christmas and summertime!)
(Pop Rocks were invented accidentally by a chemist developing an instant soft drink)
(See the unique way our founder eats these treats)
(Razzles were originally made in just one flavor—raspberry!)

(The most popular flavor of jelly belly’s is one of the originals—Very Cherry!)
(Two weeks after the 1982 premiere of the classic movie E.T., Hershey saw a 65% jump in sales on these tiny treats!)

(Created by MLB players, the chew was pitched as a healthier alternative to chewing tobacco)
(These sour bites were originally made in just lemon, lime, orange and cherry flavors…sorry, blue raspberry lovers!)

(Wonder Balls originally contained prizes like toys and stickers, but now contain more sweet treats instead)
(Three types of acid are used to give Warheads their sour kick!)
Got a candy craving? We don’t blame you. Check out our retro candy gift box for a chance to try some of the classics mentioned above!